Social Media Policy

In order to encourage greater involvement and communication with its users, Pastificio Rana S.p.A. will implement the use of official pages on Facebook or other popular social networks, for specific events, projects and news.

These channels will be integrated with already existing tools, such as the official company website (

The official pages opened on Facebook and/or on other social networks for individual services and/or projects:

•    will aim to inform users about the activities and initiatives promoted by the company and to communicate with users through posts and post comments and responses to requests, questions, criticisms and suggestions;
•    will produce textual content, photographs, video recordings and other multimedia materials related to the individual services/projects for which the official page will be activated. This content cannot be re-used freely under any circumstances

Pastificio Rana S.p.A. will publish content - including multimedia content (photos, video recordings, etc.) - of its own or the rights to which it has acquired from the owner, in accordance with Law No. 633/1941 and subsequent amendments regarding the Protection of Copyright and other rights related to its application.
Furthermore, personal data will in any case be published on the basis of the user's express consent.
In particular, in relation to multimedia content, the company guarantees that it will not publish photos/videos:

•    featuring minors, without having obtained the prior consent of their legal guardians.
•    featuring people for whom being portrayed involves sharing sensitive information such as, for example, health conditions or, in any case, anything related to the private sphere of those people.

If this is not possible (e.g when adults and children appear together in the same content), Pastificio Rana S.p.A. guarantees that it will hide the faces of the minors and people referred to above.

In any case, it should be noted that the pages will only publish videos and/or photographic images of interested parties who have received the relevant informative reports and given their consent when said images were collected.

The administration of the official pages is managed by Pastificio Rana S.p.A., under the supervision of the data protection officer in charge.
For the conditions of use of the individual social networks, we refer you to the social network themselves, whose conditions are observed  by Pastificio Rana S.p.A. as well.

Moderation rules

Every user has the right to participate in the life of the official page, while expressing their personal opinion. In this regard, it is specified that the written and verbal comments of users through posts and videos/recordings should always be identifiable through the name and surname of the person who uploads them. These forms of expression represent the opinions of individuals and not those of Pastificio Rana S.p.A., who declines all and any responsibility for the truthfulness and correctness of what is posted on its official pages by individuals or legal entities.
Pastificio Rana S.p.A. does not exercise any prior control over the material uploaded by third parties, but will proceed with the removal of posts that:

•    are discriminatory and offensive to individuals, groups of people or categories of people in terms of gender, race, language, ethnicity, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions, sexual orientation and age;
•    contain images of minors without the express consent of a legal guardian;
•    are discriminatory and offensive in relation to other users (whether present or not at the discussion), bodies, associations, organizations in general, companies and Pastificio Rana S.p.A. or otherwise infringe the rights of a third party;
•    contain language that is inappropriate, vulgar, licentious or offensive to public decency and/or are of a threatening tone;
•    contain subjects which are obscene, pornographic or likely to be offensive to public morality and sensibility;
•    are deceptive and alarmist;
•    contain personal data about third parties and/or which could damage their reputation and/or cause harm;
•    contain "sensitive personal data" relating to third parties, according to the definition established by the current legislation on the processing of personal data (Regulation (EU) 2016/679);
•    contain subjects that are unlawful or incite others to commit acts which are unlawful and which violate copyright;
•    contain advertising or promotion of commercial activities;
•    contain subjects which are political, propaganda or spam;
•    are not relevant to the ongoing discussions (off topic), are repetitive and aimed at disturbing the discussion.

For those who repeatedly violate these moderation rules and, in the most serious cases, even when they violate them only once, Pastificio Rana S.p.A. reserves the right to ban or block the user, and report them to the platform and - if necessary - to the designated Police Forces.